Page updated 03/03/2023
Radio Club 940, or Radio 940 for short, was established to introduce amateur radio to the Scouting community associated with Camp Minsi. Our intent is to align our activities with the Radio Scouting initiatives at the World, National, and local levels.
The World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM) conducts an annual, worldwide event called the Jamboree-on-the-Air / Jamboree-on-the-Internet (JOTA-JOTI) which is held the third full weekend of October. This worldwide Scouting event attracts approximately two million Scouts from over 170 countries.
At the National level, the National Radio Scouting Committee coordinates and promotes amateur radio activities in the US. K2BSA is the National Committee's call sign. The National Committee also coordinates with the national amateur radio organization, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). The annual JOTA-JOTI event is promoted by both K2BSA and ARRL.
Locally, the Minsi Trails Council is currently organizing a Council Radio Scouting Committee, formed around the radio stations here at Camp Minsi and at Trexler Scout Reservation.
The Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Association (EPARA) are assisting the Club with technical guidance and JOTA-JOTI support. Thank you !! The EPARA supports Monroe County, Pennsylvania and is located in the County's 911 Center.
Activities are temporarily on hold until we can build out the radio station.
Radio 940 is open to anyone interested in sharing amateur radio with the Scouting programs at Camp Minsi. The Club is open to both male and female, youth and adult, with all current BSA youth protection policies in effect. A copy of the Club's Constitution and Bylaws are available upon request.
Interested HAM radio operators and/or Scouters wishing to lend a hand in our program, should drop an email to We will contact you when we are working on a project or delivering a program.
Our physical projects include:
- Build out of a radio shack in Wilcox Lodge
- Acquiring radio equipment
- Erecting the radio antenna tower
- Running electric and antenna cable between Wilcox radio shack and the tower
Then, program support initiatives include:
- Tuesday night demonstrations during summer camp
- Assist with JOTA-JOTI each October
- Offer Radio Merit Badge